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Pearline B. James
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Pearline B. James
Title: Associate Pastor & Couple's Ministry
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Pearline B. James was born in St.Thomas, Jamaica, on January 27, 1946. She is from a large family of Twenty one children, of which she is the second child. Thus, she became a caregiver early in her childhood, a role that prepared her for her choice in careers and ministerial vocation.

Her mother migrated to England when she was thirteen years old, leaving Pearline with her grandmother to care for not only her, but her younger siblings. This precipitated an even greater change in responsibility, as she had to shoulder even more of the burden of raising her siblings.

All of her teenage years were spent working with various capacities. After completing high school, she taught pre-school, Sunday school, and worked at a local library, thus continuing her daily interaction with, and nurturing of children.

After migrating to the United States in 1970, she worked at various hospitals and restaurants in and around the City of Boston. Desiring to spend more time with her family, she made a career change that once again caused her to be the nucleus of the lives of many children. She became a Childcare Provider, a job that she has continued successfully for well over 30 years. Her reputation as an excellent provider precedes her in the Greater Boston community.

Pearline has received credentials from Boston English High School. She also acquired CDA credentials from the National Crediting Program in Washington D.C. Never willing to settle for less, she continued her educational studies at Urban College, and in May of 2006 graduated with high honors with an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education.

On August 6, 1969, Pearline married the love of her life, Evan James. Their union has produced four wonderful children, Rosemarie, Conrad, Denella, and Debbie. Nine beautiful grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren, all whom they love and cherish dearly. These children, grandchildren and great-grand children have added much joy to a loving and caring marriage relationship.

in 1983, Pealine received the Lord in her life under the ministry of then pastor, Bishop James Peters Sr. This experience would greatly impact her life, and the lives of many others. She was baptized and joined the church in that same year, and has never looked back. She has served in this local church for 30+ years. She has always been a very active and productive member in such capacities as choir member, cell group leader, Pastor's Aide chairperson, Finance Committee Chairperson, Fundraiser Chair, and many other responsibilities, too numerous to mention.

In 1996, Pearline discovered her special gift in ministry, and under the tutelage and guidance of her Senior Pastor, Bishop Glen T. Prospere, she stepped out by faith, and allowed her ministry as Couples Ministry Director to blossom. In September 2003 she was officially installed as Pastor of the Couples Ministry. She has allowed the Lord to use her mightily. Wherever she goes, she shares the message of love. She has taken this message of hope to Christians in England, Canada, Trinidad, Jamaica and throughout the United States. Her passion for healthy, growing, spiritually sound marriages is evident to everyone with whom she interacts. As someone keenly noted, "she seizes every opportunity that she can, to plug in for the Couples Ministry."

Pastor Pearline B. James' only desire is to serve God with all her strength, heart, and mind and to make a difference in the lives of people with whom she comes in contact. Her commitment to the cause of winning souls for Christ, especially couples, is unquestionable and her enthusiasm is contagious.

She sees herself as a humble servant of the Lord, willing and available to be used in His service. When she leaves this world let it be said that "She cared."



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