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About Our Church
Nestled in the heart of Codman Square in Dorchester, Massachusetts, is a vibrant thriving Pentecostal Church comprised of various nationalities and ethnicities. In a usual Sunday worship service you can experience and encounter a wide spectrum of musical styles which can range from soulful Blues, Jazz, Contemporary, Southern Gospel, and tropical sounds of Calypso and Reggae.
The Congregation can transition from a somber (almost mournful) prayer one moment to a spirited dance and shout the next. Full Life Gospel Center takes great pride in the hospitality, love and care that it extends to each individual. This is reinforced with our motto "Where Everybody is Somebody, and Jesus Christ is Lord." FLGC through a variety of Ministries such as its Couples, Youth, Children’s, Women’s, Men's, Senior's and Music Ministries the church nurtures and encourages its members to grow spiritually, morally and intellectually in Christ and takes pride in its community outreach efforts. This is evident and displayed in our Food Pantry, which serves scores of families each week.
FLGC has reached and expanded beyond national boundaries to impact the lives of many on the African continent, Caribbean Islands and in the future wherever the need may be greatest. Come experience and embark on a spiritually, challenging, exciting and satisfying journey at Full Life Gospel Center "Where Everbody is Somebody."

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